4 new custom fields to improve your Teamwork.com workflows

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As a Teamwork.com user, you’re probably no stranger to custom fields and just how powerful they can be when put to use. 

Whether you’re adding custom fields to your projects and tasks in order to get more insights into your work, or using them to track specific information that’s relevant to your team, custom fields give you more flexibility to map your unique processes. 

More than anything, we want Teamwork to mirror the way you work. That’s why we’ve introduced four new custom fields to add your own unique data to tasks. 

With the date, status, URL, and checkbox custom fields, you can bring even more flexibility into your Teamwork.com workflows. 

In addition to Teamwork.com’s robust roster of other field types, these four new custom fields are particularly effective when used in conjunction with Table View, where you can create your own customized view of your tasks and custom fields. 

Let’s take a closer look into what each of these custom fields has to offer, along with some examples of when you might use them in your day-to-day work. 

The status custom field

Want an at-a-glance view on how your team’s work is progressing? The status custom field is here to save the day. Get even more granular with how you manage the lifecycle of a task, thanks to the ability to add an extra layer of insight into your task workflows. 

Think of the status custom field (which adds further details and insights) as a complement to your Board View (which acts as the main hub for your various workflows). 

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When you should use it

Have a task that’s in the “In Review” column in your Board View? With the status custom field, you can be even more specific about why it’s in that column. For instance, you can update the status custom field to “Revisions needed” or “Requires client sign-off.” That way, you’re adding an extra layer of detail to help you stay on top of ongoing work. 

The date custom field

Within Teamwork.com, you already have access to start dates and end dates, helping you keep on track for a task’s entire duration. With the introduction of the date custom field, you can add important dates to a task, even if they might not be directly related to the start and end dates. 

Blog post imageWhen you should use it

We’ve all been there: a delay occurs as a result of a client not signing off on a task, ultimately not giving you ample time to meet the final deadline. 

That’s when the date custom field steps into the spotlight. You can create a “Sign-Off” date field, indicating the latest date that a client sign-off can happen in order to still meet the final due date for the task or project. 

The URL custom field

The last thing any project manager wants to see on their perfectly organized Table View is a long, clunky URL that distracts from work that needs to be done with needless clutter. Enter the URL custom field to the rescue! 

Now you can insert hyperlinks into your tasks, helping you connect the dots between other Teamwork.com items, or even items outside of Teamwork.com. By labelling your links (rather than copy/pasting URLs that give little-to-no-insight into what the link is or how it should be used), you’ll save time and confusion by immediately recognizing what the link and its purpose are. 

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When you should use it

If you’re working with a designer or developer who needs to reference a design file that lives outside of Teamwork.com (like within Figma, for example), you can add the link directly to the task with the appropriate hyperlinked name. So long, cluttered tasks and cumbersome workarounds!

The checkbox custom field

If you want to get quick insights into binary items on a task—think “yes/no,” “on/off,” or “true/false”... really, the possibilities are endless—then the checkbox custom field is about to become your new best friend.

You can even filter by Checkbox Status to drill down into "is not checked" or "is checked." This enhanced filtering allows you to quickly view which items still need to be reviewed or need sign-off. 

No surprise, but the checkbox custom field is particularly useful in Table View, where you can get an all-in-one view of your checkbox custom fields and how it correlates to specific tasks. 

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When you should use it

The checkbox custom field is the perfect way to get a quick overview of whether a task is an internal or external task. For example, your field type could be named “Client Work,” and filling in the checkbox denotes it’s client-facing, while an unfilled checkbox signals that it's external.

Another example comes into play if you have a task that requires sign-off from a client. In this case, your field type could be “Client sign-off required?” When the checkbox is filled, you’ll know to follow-up with your client before it can be completed.  

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