Bring historical and forecasted data together with Financial and Utilization Insights

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It’s time to have one report to rule them all! One that can tell the complete story for all things profitability and utilization—instead of disjointed fragments.

Introducing Financial and Utilization Insights for Scale plans. A brand new dashboard-style report chock-full of past data and future trends to make monitoring your business performance a breeze.

Everything under one roof

The Financial and Utilization Insights consolidates multiple reports into a single, comprehensive view. It includes 6 widgets all focused on utilization, revenue, costs, profitability, and budget health.

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The ultimate in convenience and clarity, having more insights in one place will free up your time and eliminate the need to export, massage data, and build separate reports. will be your single, trusted, and connected source of truth for all things profitability and utilization.

See trends loud and clear

Now let’s dive into these 6 widgets to outline the moving pieces and how the Financial and Utilization Insights can help you keep things trending up and to the right!

Widget What does it do? Why is this helpful?
Past utilization by user Compares users' planned vs. billable utilization Identify discrepancies and inefficiencies in under-utilized or overburdened team members. Adjust accordingly to balance workloads and optimize overall productivity
Past profitability for all clients Compares projects' profitability Understand your business' financial performance and identify areas for cost optimization and revenue enhancements.
Top 10 projects over budget Identifies the top 10 projects that most exceeded their budget Have better visibility into biggest project overruns. Understand ways to improve cost control to prevent future overspending.
Forecasted utilization by user Compares users' planned vs. billable utilization Understand how resources will be used in the future to facilitate better allocation planning.
Forecasted revenue & profitability for all clients Compares total forecasted revenue and profitability Know how your profitability is benchmarking against your overall revenue to assist with strategic decisions.
Forecasted cost vs revenue for all clients Compares total forecasted costs and revenue Understand profit opportunities and issues ahead of time and make any adjustments accordingly.

Look backward and forward—the best of both worlds

You got that right! The Financial and Utilization Insights allows you to look back and analyze historical data, all while looking forward to forecast future trends. We love a moment when you can apply previous learnings AND be prepared for what’s to come.

On the topic of forecasting, this report is a first-of-its-kind with three widgets dedicated to forecasted insights! Best of all? These three widgets will soon be available fields to use in Custom Reports based on projects and tasks—hang tight!

Skimmable and sophisticated

With new visualizations of bar and line charts, the Financial and Utilization Insights is skimmable and easy to digest. Perfect for times when you need to present or share a screen share to a crowd—it’s sure to ‘wow’ the room.

However, for times when you need to drill deep and uncover the specifics, all widgets have date range flexibility to zoom in or out based on your reporting needs. Additionally, clicking on the widget will open up a full side panel of granular details clearly showcasing all the ingredients that makeup the data.

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And there you have it! The Financial and Utilization Insights will help you wave goodbye to context switching and “guesstimated” forecasts, and welcome in the single source of truth for all things profitability and utilization—past and future.

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