10 of the best marketing agency websites in 2024

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Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style."

~ Massimo Vignelli, Designer

When it comes to designing your marketing agency’s website, it's important to put your best foot forward. Showcasing top-notch work helps potential clients see just what your agency is capable of — and what they might expect if they choose to work with you.

Agencies that do a great job marketing themselves build instant trust and credibility. It's where you can show off your best work and tell your brand's story, and it's also where first impressions are made.

In this post, we’re taking a look at 10 of the best marketing agency websites we’ve come across this year, and what makes them so great. Plus, we share some themes and tips you can apply to your own site!

Let’s dig in.

1. RN01

Blog post imageImage source: RNO1.com

RNO1 is a California-based digital marketing agency that helps businesses (especially Web3 and AI brands) build better websites, develop their brands and identities, create compelling eCommerce experiences, and much more.

Take a quick look around their site and you’ll start to see lots of copy and visual components that lean into the ocean, waves, and generally all things California. With offices up and down the entire west coast, there’s no doubt they’re taking advantage of this part of their DNA — the history of innovation in Silicon Valley, easygoing California brands, and the promise of a great yet laidback client experience.

RNO1 makes references to the ocean through imagery as well as descriptive statements like, “We make waves with fast-moving & fluid brands.” Why does this work so well RNO1?

For starters, they want to work with brands that are purpose-driven and excited by change. They describe themselves as “west coast change-makers,” which might turn off brands that aren’t ready to be edgy and take risks.

This helps RNO1 position themselves squarely for their ideal customer — brands that are ready for change.

Standout feature: A well thought-out brand expressed through copy and design that lets clients know exactly who they’ll be working with.

2. Mosaic

Blog post imageImage source: Mosaic.com

Mosaic is one of North America's largest (and most impressive!) marketing agencies. They’ve worked with the likes of Budweiser and Google and offer a wide array of services to their clients, spanning everything from pop-up experiences and PR stunts, to influencer marketing and immersive AR/VR. 

From the moment you land on their homepage, you’re instantly sucked into a huge video above the fold. In just a few seconds, you’re transported into a number of different worlds, from a high-energy rave to a sleek and modern office building to a science experiment gone explosively wrong.

Mosaic lets these campaigns stand on their own, without copy — a bold move that shows they’re confident the work is eyecatching. The video entices visitors to scroll down and check out Mosaic’s capabilities, which are expressed through a handful of curated case studies.

Mosaic covers a lot of bases, and their effective use of video shows the breadth and depth of what they can deliver from the moment you land on the site.

Standout feature: Brilliant use of video to highlight creative capabilities.

3. Beans Agency

Blog post imageImage source: beans.agency.com

Talk about creativity!

Beans Agency is a Ukrainian digital agency that does a fantastic job showcasing what they’re all about and the services they offer in truly creative and unique ways. Their website employs a highly debated “infinite scroll” approach to navigation. This allows the site visitor to keep scrolling to access more information rather than jump around and click into new pages. 

Across the site, you’ll see a ton of bold color, eye-stopping animation, and monochrome visuals, all of which work together to create a truly distinct experience for the end-user. As a smaller team, they do a great job of highlighting the folks that work at Beans Agency with fun photography and props.

This agency clearly loves to inject humor and playfulness into the work they do, and you can easily see that across campaigns when browsing through their list of clients. When a quirky animation like this works, it really works!

Standout feature: A one-of-a-kind aesthetic that makes Beans Agency stand out from the crowd.

4. Kota

Blog post imageImage source: Kota.co.uk

Kota is a creative web design and branding agency based in both London and New York. When you land on their website, the first thing you notice is their logo in a large font, highlighted in bright beautiful tones.

Nice, right?

Well, what’s even better than a giant logo? One that you can interact with! By hovering over the logo, you quickly realize that you can morph the logo and move it around like water.

If that one special moment doesn’t speak volumes to Kota’s ability to create immersive, creative website experiences for their clients, we don’t know what does!

Kota also has a detailed blog, which is a marketing technique we don't see a lot of agencies use on a regular basis. There’s no better way to showcase your expertise (aside from featuring your clients themselves on your site) than to create a blog for your agency.

Kota shares their creative advice and marketing tips for free, right there on their site. Who knows, if you find their content helpful, maybe you’ll reach out!

Standout feature: A website with style — beautiful creative, cool interactive elements — with substance — deep case studies and an informative agency blog.

5. That Lot

Blog post imageImage source: thatlot.co.uk

That Lot is a London-based social creative agency that comes up with social strategies that are platform-first.

Whether it’s social content, social strategy, platform management, or paid social, That Lot is fully equipped to support your brand’s social media presence from end to end. Similar to Mosaic, That Lot takes advantage of the entire screen space.

The visuals that appear above the fold are eye-catching — especially with its three-dimensional background video that draws you in right when you land on the page. 

As you navigate around the site, you see a consistent, bold color scheme — mostly black, white, and small bursts of pink. This reliance on a small color palette helps to keep the focus on what matters most — what the agency offers and who they are.

The black-and-white photography used throughout also gives the viewer the feeling that the agency will run your social media and content strategy behind the scenes, with your brand at the forefront. It’s only until you head into the “Our Work” section that you start to see more colors introduced. 

Standout feature: A clean, unified visual aesthetic that keeps your attention where That Lot wants it — on their work, their services, and their clients.

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6. Collins

Blog post imageImage source: wearecollins.com

Collins is a transformation consultancy that focuses on branding, repositioning, and evolution. Their services are heady, but their homepage hero boils it down to one incredible headline and two sentences that tell you everything you need to know.

But if you really MUST know more, the about page spells out their services in crisp, easily understandable detail. It covers

  • What Collins does (in a bulleted list of four big benefits they offer clients)

  • Who they serve—”companies on the cusp of change”

  • How they do it—by “combining creativity with commercial logic”

  • And even why—because “transformation should create new futures, not only optimize the present.”

Brand consultancies tend to live with their heads in the clouds a bit — the work is conceptual, complex, and way too often it’s tied up in corporate jargon. Collins elegantly brings things back down to earth by clearly expressing the value they provide clients.

Standout feature: A value prop so sharp prospects can’t help but click through.

7. Ubiquitous

Blog post imageImage source: ubiquitousinfluence.com

Ubiquitous is an all-in-one influencer marketing agency. Its founder is an ex-performance marketer and it shows.

Throughout the site, Ubiquitous marries contemporary visuals — splashy photos of key influencer-partners, a very on-trend pink and purple color scheme — with cold hard metrics and processes.

This reassures visitors and lets them know that Ubiquitous takes the guessing out of influencer marketing. It goes deep, too — does the difference between average views and median views keep you up at night? You might want to talk to Ubiquitous.

This is a website built for marketing nerds. It throws around numbers and acronyms like CPC and CAC freely because it understands its audience and what they’re looking for — a partner who speaks their language and is going to maximize their budget.

Are they giving away the recipe to the secret sauce? Maybe a little, but they also highlight their incredible network of creators and influencers — a benefit you’ll only get if you work with them.

Standout feature: A holistic understanding of what their audience is looking for — a partner who’s on the cutting edge of social trends AND who speaks their language.

8. Bleech

Blog post imageImage source: bleech.de

Bleech is a Berlin-based web design agency that creates custom WordPress solutions for companies looking for beautiful, high-performing websites.

The first thing you notice when you visit Bleech’s website is that it doesn’t so much load as pop fully-formed into your browser. Even on crummy connections, this site is FAST. It loads in a blink and scrolls cleanly throughout. And it doesn’t sacrifice functionality for speed — Bleech’s homepage is full of cool functionality and animation.

Think of this as the equivalent of a creative agency frontloading their site with their most innovative and eye-catching campaigns — Bleech is showing off the benefits of their services with their own page. They’re telling visitors, “If we can build a site that performs this well for our own agency, just think what we can build for you.”

Standout feature: Best-in-class website performance that lets prospects know Bleech is an agency that understands how to build high-performing sites.

9. 72andSunny

Blog post imageImage source: 72andsunny.com

72andSunny is a big, bold advertising agency that works with some of the biggest brands on the planet. Their website reflects that, with a hero that highlights big splashy creative work for the NFL, Amazon, United Airlines, and more. It’s even got Jamie Foxx.

But what 72andSunny also has is a carefully created website meant to guide visitors through the content by hand. Move past that showcase at the top of the page and you’ll find a fixed scroll that takes you to the next piece of content — 72andSunny’s mission statement against a lively full-frame gradient. 

The fixed scroll continues through a call-to-action to check out more work, and sections on their culture, client brands, and ways to partner with them. The result is a very deliberate-feeling website design that puts your attention exactly where 72andSunny wants it.

Standout feature: A clever use of website scrolling that breaks their site up into easily digestible chunks.

10. Madwell

Blog post imageImage source: madwell.com

Madwell is a Brooklyn-based creative agency that covers everything from ideation and strategy to campaign development. 

The first thing you notice about their site is that the copy is a little different. No boilerplate “We’re innovators” language here. Madwell opts for attention grabbing claims. They’re “a small but nimble team of weirdos” and “media masters of gobbling up KPIs.”

The second thing you notice is that every element in the cycling hero is interactive. They even threw in a game of Snake!

What does this signal to visitors? Madwell puts their money where their mouth, creatively speaking, and they’re all about the little details. They’re showing you — not telling you — that they’re experts at surprising and delighting audiences. 

The rest of the site is spare. There’s no about page, no page about their team, not even a capabilities page. Madwell wants to keep you paying attention to the work and the work alone. And with creative that good, why wouldn’t they?

Standout feature: Show-not-tell creative work that puts their creativity and interactive chops on display.

Trends and themes across marketing agency websites

After taking a look at some of the best of the best marketing agency websites, we noticed some key trends and themes that seem to be consistent across them all. As you build a website for your own agency, be sure to keep these components in mind:

Straightforward, clean, and dynamic navigation

Not only does your website need to be visually appealing, but it also needs to be easy to navigate. You want to get straight to the point so that viewers can find what they need without digging. If you have visually exciting work or projects with dynamite results, highlighting it on your homepage is a must.

Also, you don't want potential clients getting frustrated with an overly complex website, so make it as straightforward as possible for anyone to find out who you are and what you offer.

Showcase your brand’s unique personality

It's important to convey your brand's personality in the first few seconds of scrolling through your website. Hey, first impressions matter!

Give visitors a taste of your personality along while also directly stating what your agency offers right away. Showcasing your brand’s personality and unique selling point in creative and engaging ways is a great way to show your potential clients how you might help them tell their own stories.

Leverage storytelling elements like video and photography

Incorporating photography and video that resonate with viewers emotionally can be really impactful when designing your website. Aside from showing client work, consider dynamic imagery, like That Lot’s exploding glass video, or images of people, like Madwell’s “team of weirdos.”

This creates a positive connection for the viewer. And NEVER underestimate the power of video to capture people’s attention right away when they land on your site. 

A simple but strong color palette

While preference toward certain colors is subjective (did you say you hated purple?), the strategic use of color can also help you convey key information quickly. For example, Ubiquitous’ limited, trendy color palette sends a signal to viewers — this agency is on-trend and knows what’s happening.

Give your clients a taste of what you could produce for them and showcase your agency’s own design chops. Let your work speak for itself. Get started by leveraging a simple yet strong color palette. 

Interactive features

Last but not least, leveraging interactive features such as animation or engaging videos can be a great way to show viewers your agency is skilled in this area. Remember, these components can also simply be a part of your website.

Using sparse and thoughtful touches of animations, like Bleech does on their site, shows visitors you have an eye for design and simplicity. If your agency specializes in brand, design, or creative storytelling, this is a great opportunity to impress potential clients and show them your capabilities. 

What does your agency website look like?

While there’s certainly no shortage of amazing marketing agency websites out there, these ten all stand out for different reasons.

What’s true about them all, however, is that they do a great job of showing us what they’re all about, from the services they offer to who they are, with just a few clicks.

Feeling inspired? Take a look at your agency’s own website and see where you can improve and leave your mark!

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