What's new in Teamwork Q1

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We’ve had a great start to 2021 here at Teamwork. Our first quarter of the year has been busy and we’re delighted to showcase the countless new Teamwork features. We hope you enjoyed trying out the new Teamwork releases over the last few months.

In case you missed any updates, check out all of the new Teamwork features released in the last three months to see how each could help your business. 

We launched our new beautifully designediOS and Android native mobile app

Teamwork’s mobile dedicated teams have worked tirelessly to deliver the beautifully designed, native mobile app, which helps you collaborate and complete your work from anywhere, at any time. With a strong focus on it's elegant designs, the apps were built with performance and ease-of-use in mind to provide the best user experience.

Let's take a closer look

Combined with a sleek user interface, the new apps offer a seamless user experience that allows you to easily get work done and stay on top of your daily tasks and meetings.

Here are some of the newly included features in the Teamwork app:

  • Project Home Page: See upcoming meetings and essential daily statistics.

  • My Day: Bring together all your important information for the day on one screen.

  • Full Calendar: View all upcoming events and meetings directly from a mobile device.

  • Notifications: Receive notifications from the Teamwork app to stay on top of every project, task, or meeting.

  • Project and Task Lists: Gain access to all associated information on your project and task lists.

  • Quick Adds: Easily create projects, tasks, events, messages, time logs, and set reminders within the app.

  • Quick Search: Filter through any project or your entire account to find what you need much faster.

Where can I download the app? 

Download the app for free today and see what all the buzz is about! All existing Teamwork users can go to their respective app stores, (iOS | Android), download, login, and immediately enhance how you collaborate, communicate, and deliver projects on time from your mobile device. Our team will continuously update both the Android and iOS apps with new features or updates launching approximately every three weeks.

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Teamwork Mobile

Teamwork’s new, beautifully designed native project management mobile app are centered on helping you collaborate on and complete your work from anywhere, at any time.

Download now

For further details on the newly included features within the apps take a look at our recent blog.

Manage work more efficiently with the new Task Table View

Introducing the new Task Table View in beta! This new view allows users to add, track, and manage project work much faster. 

We’ve simplified how you digest large volumes of data and information at a quick scan. With inline editing, quick and easy table sorting, and customizable columns, your team can view and manage work more efficiently.

What's next?

As Task Table View is in Beta, customer feedback is continuously collected and monitored to further advance this feature. 

 Here are the updates currently in place on the Teamwork Table View: 

  • Improvements to real-time updates

  • Expanding the sorting options to further columns

  • Manual reordering of tasks

  • Expanding inline editing of fields e.g.

    • Estimated time

    • Logged time

    • Board column

    • Progress

Use the Leave Feedback link within Teamwork Table View to quickly add your feedback to help us further enhance the feature. Please check out the full Table View blog or help doc for more detailed information.

Teamwork’s Utilization Report — An easier way to view and manage your team's resources

The Utilization Report measures your users available, logged, and estimated time. This allows you to better manage and track past utilization efforts as well as forecast your team’s time distribution in the future. Now you can be sure that your projects are effectively resourced.

Tracking your company’s efficiency is paramount to maintaining an on-budget project delivery. In the current climate, where most of your team is working remotely, and you cannot physically oversee the hours your workforce puts in, we understand your need to properly resource everyone without employee burnout. 

The report presents your team’s workload at glance, which allows you to identify those who are over capacity and those who could take on additional work.

How does it work?

This report gives you the visibility of the estimated utilization of your resources for any given week, month, or quarter through a Red-Amber-Green (RAG) system that quickly identifies who is under-utilized (Red), over-utilized (Amber), or efficiently utilized (Green). See how your team is resourced and what changes and reassignments of workload are needed to meet deadlines. The utilization report is incredibly powerful to view all stages of a project’s life cycle  — from project planning to monthly and quarterly reporting.

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Get an in-depth understanding from historic reporting on how users’ resources performed against their estimated utilization in the past with insight into users’ actual utilization. You can drill down further to see what unavailable time is logged against a specific user. It also gives you oversight of a user's logged time including what was billable and non-billable. 

Easily drag and drop columns to reorder them in your table. This lets you view your data in a way that is meaningful to you. Additionally, disable any irrelevant columns and quickly sort your report by filtering from each column header.

This new report is currently in BETA, but it’s available to all administrators on Grow and Scale plans. If you’re not on the above plans but want access to the Utilization Report, sign up for a trial of our Grow Plan through the Utilization tab in your account. 

If you need more information on how to access and use this report, check out our dedicated blog or view our Help Doc for further information.

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Enhanced Project Health Report

As you’ve seen, Teamwork has added multiple reports to our platform to help you and your team get valuable insights into your work at dedicated points in time. We introduced you to the new Project Health Report, which gives you clear visibility of the performance and health across multiple projects in a one single view. 

Our new Project Health Report filters allow users to filter by tag, category, company, starred projects, and late projects. The Project Health Report offers a new approach to the way you view the state of multiple projects all at once.

It gives users clear visibility of the performance and health across multiple projects in one single view. For instance, project managers or senior stakeholders can now quickly get an understanding of the projects that look set to be delivered on time versus the jobs that will be at risk if action is not quickly taken.

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Using the Project Health Report is helpful for users and their teams to adopt some project management best practices if and when needed. With this view, you can quickly ensure key information like project owner, project dates, and project budgets are all updated. This will increase both the discoverability and adoption of these elements.

Track the progress of your projects with the Planned vs. Actual Milestone Report

As we continued our focus on enhancing the reporting functionality throughout Teamwork, we were delighted to release our Planned vs Actual Milestone Report. This report helps keep track the progression of your Milestones against how they were originally planned across your projects. 

With a clear view of your planned delivery vs. actual progress, you can easily assess performance across your team to ensure efficient and profitable project delivery.

How to use this new report

The Planned vs. Actual Milestone Report is located under the Reports tab, similarly to our recently released Utilization Report. Once you’re in, you'll instantly see a series of columns that highlight key information for each milestone. 

Within the dropdown menu, use the toggles to add or remove any relevant or irrelevant columns. You can also customize the report by dragging or dropping a column into your desired location on the table.

Once the report is set up, you can see how your milestones are progressing. From the status column, view which Milestones are late (Red), upcoming (Amber), or completed (Green) through the use of our RAG color-coding system. 

If you would like to see the full description on how to use this report, please view our blog and help doc.

Newest Planned vs. Actual Report - Tasks

Following on from Planned vs. Actual Milestones Report is our Planned vs Actual Tasks Report. This report helps keep track of how your tasks progress against how they were originally planned. 

With a clear view of your planned delivery vs. actual progress, you can easily assess performance across your team—ensuring an efficient and profitable project delivery.

Customers will reap the benefits of the Status and Difference columns because you can easily sort the report by status. This lets you quickly identify what tasks are completed, upcoming, and late.

In the Difference column, this information will show the difference in the number of days between the original due date and the current due date for incomplete tasks. When it comes to complete tasks, the number of days between the original due date and the completion due date will be shown. This offers helpful insights into adjusting your team's workflow and priorities.

Customize columns by hiding certain columns and rearranging the visible columns, just like the Planned vs. Actual Milestones Report. You can also view your data within the date range you selected. 

Within the sorting functionality, change the view of the report to see the information that is most relevant to you at a point in time. The new report also allows you to do a quick search from your set of projects, by task, or assignee, so you instantly find what you need.

An additional feature included in the Planned vs. Actual Tasks Report, is the functionality to allow you understand why you cannot close a task.  Many tasks have task dependencies, meaning the parnet task cannot be closed until the dependent tasks are complete, for instance subtasks. So if you’re unable to click complete on a task, you can get insight into those other dependencies that first need to be actioned. 

Finally, we introduced filters to this new report. Users can now filter by teams, companies, task lists (single or multiple), all tasks, upcoming tasks, and late tasks. You can also choose to include or exclude completed tasks, so you can easily review the status of tasks across your projects compared with how they were originally planned.

To get a deeper understanding of the Planned vs. Actual Report, please take a look at our blog or help doc.

Customizing your project navigation 

You can now customize and manage your project Navigation Tabs in Teamwork! 

What has changed?

Simply reorder, add, or remove your top level tabs within a project and access your task views directly from the navigation bar.

As seen in the above video, you can now quickly turn on and off any features from projects. This allows you to build out your tabs in the order that you want. Now the users on your team will have the most important project features available to them at all times, which means they get their work completed more efficiently.

In the Project Settings, project and site administrators may customize the navigation tabs and features for each specific project. It’s easy to apply your project tab preferences to all projects within your account by selecting ‘Apply to all projects” at the bottom of your settings.

One of the main enhancements is that each task view now has its own dedicated tab allowing you to choose which task views are enabled for each project. 

The tasks tab has become List on your navigation bar, while the Board view sits under the Board tab. Finally, your Gantt Charts can be accessed via Gantt. Also note we‘ve renamed the Overview tab to Dashboard. The Dashboard area has everything that was originally within your Overview.

For more information on how to customize your navigation bar, read our blog or help doc here.

The Teamwork Success Planner: A report to help your team maximize their use of Teamwork

With our new Success Planner, easily identify any gaps within your workflows so your team uses Teamwork to its fullest. The new report is based on the nine critical features that are essential for success. The identified functionality best supports your operational proficiency, ensuring full visibility on your organizational adoption of the platform, which helps lead your project toward success.

How does it work?

By utilizing this report, you get a quick view of your team’s adoption of Teamwork. You can also become the key driver who empowers your team to use and grow their use of the platform. 

Enable users to develop their skills by identifying the functionality currently not in use. This will lead to better outcomes and have a positive impact on ROI as teams are now aware of all of the key features available to them.

Here are the key features identified in the success report:

  • Files — Any user has uploaded a file

  • Milestones — Any user has completed a milestone

  • Mobile apps — Any user has used the mobile apps

  • Project templates — At least one project template has been used by a user

  • Repeating tasks — Any user has marked a recurring task as complete

  • Time — Time has been logged by at least one user

  • Comments — A user has added a comment to any project item (task, file, notebook, etc.)

  • Task list templates — A task list template has been used

  • Messages — A user has created a message on a project

If you would like further information on the Success Planner, have a look at our help doc. Find further details on the value of each of the essential nine features by viewing the previous blog for further information.

Quickly set Task Reminders on key tasks 

With the release of our Task Reminders, you have the ability to quickly set a task reminder right from the task listing screen. Simply hover over the Task Reminder icon to see multiple options for adding email reminders for yourself — all at the click of a button. 

This is ideal for someone who needs to focus on another task and come back to subsequent tasks they originally thought would be executed earlier in their day or week. Stay up to date on your latest tasks from start to completion so you have a more timely execution of your project.

How does ‘Task Reminders’ work?

By hovering over the Task Reminder icon for the relevant task in your Task List, you will be given a range of predefined options to choose from. Or you can select the custom reminder that brings you directly to the Advanced Reminder modal.

You can quickly set a reminder for yourself to be notified, as seen in the image below

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Task Reminders is also available on our mobile app. This means team members can add a quick reminder on their phones to ensure that they get to the task.

Personal Tasks: Your own private to-do list in Teamwork

By using Personal Tasks in Teamwork, you can create and manage a private to-do list that only you can view. This view is not linked to a project. Personal Tasks can be added quickly and in context, which lets you ease the cognitive load by getting tasks out of your head and down on paper.

 What are the benefits of Personal Tasks?

  • Keep track of your to-do’s by creating personal tasks that are only visible to you and not linked to a project.

  • Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly create personal tasks from anywhere in Teamwork.

  • Use shortcodes to set dates and priorities on your personal tasks.

  • Move personal tasks to any project you’re a part of when needed.

Check-out the full power of Personal Tasks in the video below

Introducing our new Teamwork Document Editor

We are continuously working to improve the user experience of our platform and we realized that our existing Document Editor could be enhanced to better edit and organize large numbers of files. This led us to rebuild it and make improvements.

With our new Document Editor, you can take care of all your processes in one place. Download, open, edit, and save changes to files stored in the Files area of your projects without ever leaving Teamwork. Use our new desktop app and simplify the way you manage your assets.

Here's how it works

We’ve made sure that setting up the Document Editor is as easy as possible for you. All you need to do is download the app by visiting our Teamwork Document Editor page and click the Download button under the relevant operating system option. This app is compatible with Mac OS and Windows. 

Once the Teamwork Document Editor is enabled in the site-level integration settings, you will see it listed under your personal integrations in your profile. Click your profile icon in the top right corner of your site and select View Profile from the dropdown menu. Once you download and install the Teamwork Document Editor, open the application to log in to your Teamwork account. Now you are ready to use the Document editor. 

Optimize your teams performance 

The Document Editor can be a great addition to your processes by exploring a use case. Disjointed processes can be a productivity-killer, affecting the level and quality of output. 

Reducing the amount of time spent on updating and organizing files is a key step to delivering high-quality outputs and keeping teams aligned and satisfied with their workplace experience. Document Editor enables you to do just that.

Would you like to learn more about optimizing your teams' performance with the use of our Document Editor? Have a look at our blog or Help Doc.

Synchronize Jira and Teamwork with our latest integration SoftSync

Our latest integration offers a real-time view of all of your processes and activities by removing the manual work of bridging the gap between Teamwork and Jira. Now you can sync the two together!  

Here’s how it works

This integration is a wonderful tool for any agency in the era of remote work as it helps you synchronize Teamwork tasks and Jira issues between Jira Cloud and Teamwork. SoftSync’s bi-directional approach to synchronizing information between Teamwork and Jira alleviates the need for delegating this time-consuming task to a team member, who could otherwise focus on more strategic tasks.

It minimizes human error when it comes to status updates, making it beneficial to high-performing teams that deal with large volumes of information and processes. SoftSync also syncs comments and attachments on tasks, offering a complete 360-degree look at everything your team has on their plate. 

Getting SoftSync up and running

1. First, download SoftSync and enjoy a 30-day free trial, allowing you to explore how you can benefit from this automation before you commit to purchasing this integration.

2. Now log in to your Jira admin account and click “Configured” and you will be redirected to a connections page.

3. Type in your login information for Teamwork and connect your account by using your Teamwork subdomain URL and API key.

4. Confirm access to your Teamwork account. This grants SoftSync the permission to read projects and read or modify your tasks and their details.

5. Define the synchronization settings once the connection with Teamwork is completed. You can now choose if you’d like this synchronization to go one way or be bi-directional.

 Once you get started, you can begin customizing the following:

  • Project Mapping

  • User Mapping 

  • Task Mapping 

Collaboration that works for all stakeholders

SoftSync ticks all the boxes for project managers hoping to avoid siloed processes, while keeping every member of your team in the loop. Get all of this done without the need to leave their preferred platforms. To find out more, read our recent blog.

We hope you’re getting the most out of the latest features introduced to Teamwork this quarter. If you have any feedback or questions, please leave us a comment below in the comments area or email us at support@teamwork.com.

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