Customer StoriesStar Tower Systems

Star Tower Systems reignites lost leads and accelerates sales with Teamwork CRM

Star Tower Systems reignites lost leads and accelerates sales with Teamwork CRM
Company Name
Star Tower Systems
Florida, United States

Star Tower Systems is a full service automation agency and coaching company, specializing in helping small business owners grow their business through marketing automation. They strategize, develop, and build marketing funnels for busy entrepreneurs.

The idea was built upon founder Lindsey Ardmore’s passion to help other entrepreneurs to organize, automate, and scale their ideas, while saving time and money.

Earlier this year, Lindsey realized that her own sales workflows needed a critical overhaul. She explained how turning to Teamwork CRM has not only helped to revolutionize her sales process, but has empowered her team to reignite lost opportunities, heighten productivity, and significantly boost her company’s bottom line.

Overlooked data, lost opportunities

Before Teamwork CRM, Star Tower Systems was relying on pieces of paper and random notes to manage their sales workflows.

“I was using nothing — literally nothing. I would just use pieces of paper,” Lindsey said.

This meant that important data was constantly overlooked and valuable opportunities lost.

Lindsey explains that they had a beautiful process in place for leads who were willing to close there and then on a call, but if prospects didn’t close right away, the details were usually lost to a mounting pile of notes and never seen again. There was no follow-up process or nurture stream in place.

“I would get leads from everywhere and via pretty much any avenue that you could think of getting a lead from,” she told us. “The really big problem was that I was forgetting about people and I had all these lists and prospects everywhere. It was chaos! And since I wasn’t following up, I was losing sales.”

Without solid systems and processes in place, monitoring ongoing deals and following up with the relevant next steps was near impossible. Naturally, this issue was impacting performance and productivity for the whole team.

None of my team actually knew what was going on inside of the business. They really didn’t know how to contribute to the bottom line because they didn’t know who our prospects were or what leads needed to be worked. We were just winging it. We really needed to create visibility and a proper process — at a very base level.

“Lindsey realized that an efficient and repeatable sales process was essential if she wanted to scale her efforts. She decided to go with Pipedrive for a brief two week period, but as a big fan of the Teamwork product suite, once she heard about the launch of Teamwork CRM, Lindsey decided to change direction.”

"As soon as it came out I decided to move over to Teamwork CRM, I think the Teamwork suite is so awesome and it’s all connected."

Taking control of workflows

Introducing Teamwork CRM gave Star Tower Systems a single source of truth to manage lead data and track sales activities.

Adoption of new software can often be tricky, but Lindsey explains that the ease of set up and customizability of Teamwork CRM made streamlining workflows a painless process.

"I think it was really easy to get set up and very easy to upload all of our leads. We have a two-step lead pipeline and an opportunity pipeline. I customized the pipelines to how I wanted them to be. I also thought the custom fields were really awesome."

Lindsey’s team didn’t just become adopters of the technology, but enthusiastic promoters. Her business manager was soon crowned “queen of the CRM”, constantly reminding the team to enter all data into Teamwork CRM.

The Notes section has been particularly helpful for her team. They can add all of the relevant information in there so that everything can be collated and monitored from one central place across the entire process.

For Lindsey, it’s the Product catalog and Reporting tools that she loves the most, bringing more accuracy and clarity to her forecasting.

“For me personally, I love to see the numbers. It’s really motivating to know, alright, I have $15,000 just sitting here that’s all closed won but hasn’t been collected yet.”

Adopting Teamwork CRM has not only revolutionised how Star Tower Systems manages leads but the seamless integration with the Teamwork suite of products means the entire customer lifecycle lives within one system.

Lindsey says that Teamwork Chat and Teamwork have been the lifeblood of her team. Now, with Teamwork CRM in the mix, they can manage customers from the inception of the sales process and easily move them into Teamwork once they close, all the while using Teamwork Chat to communicate throughout the entire process.

“I don’t know how I was doing it before when we had so many different solutions. I run my whole business on Teamwork.”

Immediate results and increased returns

The increased alignment and pipeline visibility that Teamwork CRM has brought to Star Tower Systems means valuable leads are no longer falling through the cracks. It has empowered the team to take ownership of deals, boosting performance and significantly accelerating sales.

“This year has been a total game-changer. My whole team knows who’s on the table. And they’ve been consistently following up with all the leads that come in.”

Team members who have never closed a deal in the past are suddenly closing with ease, including her business manager — the aforementioned “queen of the CRM.”

“This week, she closed two deals via email follow up, just from people I had talked to in 2018 that we’re still interested in,” Lindsey told us.

Lindsey explains that the most surprising and enlightening aspect of adopting Teamwork CRM was discovering just how much opportunity and revenue they were missing out on in the past.

“I had no idea what I was leaving on the table. I had six figures of sales left on the table when we loaded up all of my previous leads we hadn’t followed up with.”

Lindsey’s business manager compares working in Teamwork CRM to digging for treasure.

“She can see what stage every lead is at across every member of the team. She loves it because she goes in and there’s so much ”

When it comes to streamlining processes and boosting your bottom line, having a reliable system at the core of your company is invaluable. Lindsey notes that Teamwork’s support, responsiveness, and lack of bugs are integral to the success that Teamwork has brought to her business.

Lindsey explains that the most surprising and enlightening aspect of adopting Teamwork CRM was discovering just how much opportunity and revenue they were missing out on in the past.

"We work with a lot of SaaS companies to help our customers automate their processes. With Teamwork, everything always works beautifully. I constantly preach to everybody that I talk to in my space about Teamwork and the Teamwork family of products. I think that Teamwork CRM is the only thing to use in the marketplace."